This is a super late post, but yeah.
So the kids went home, and we had our daily staff meeting in the OL. During that day's staff meeting we did this Tshirt Game. It's where you put your name on a piece of paper that has a T-shirt drawn on it, and pass it around the circle. Then people write good things about you and whatever they want to say, but they don't sign their name. There's supposed to be some magic that lets you figure out who each thing is, but honestly, I don't got it. I mean, I figured out who wrote some of them, but some of them, I really can't figure out for the life of me. This is my favorite one on the T-shirt activity, "You're smile is contagious!", even though they used the wrong "your".

And since we're on this topic, my favorite note from my yearbook is from A, my secret friend. He said, "Nice to have you in our V-Team! Always helpful and gr8, Thanks for the Vans gift card! =)" Awwwwwwwwwwww. I'm going to miss him, even though he gave me a truck load of crap to deal with this summer.

So after the meeting, I just hung out around the school, not doing much. The one thing that has left an impression on me, is that in one room, there was a "party" and the song that left an impression is "Like a G6" by Far East Movement, which I happen to be listening to at the moment.
I also did some work, helping clean out the place (Like putting up a sign with A (and K), and cleaning the lunchroom the families would come in to, with A, K and J.)

5:30ish came, and I began my "duty" which was to welcome the families. So I had to stand out in the freezing cold for 40 minutes, to hold open the door. At least, I was only along the first 10 minutes, after that, my friend (from before), J, came. And I hung out with her, and made her stay out in the cold..haha, well not really, she chose to stay and wouldn't go in.
I ate, technically 3 slices of pizza. One really fat slice of pepperoni (which is why I call it two) and one thiner slice of Cheese pizza, and I had two cups of apple juice.
After everyone finished eating, we went to the gym, where we had presentations from Glee Club, Theatre and Dance, and we also had a short slideshow.
Then the kids left and the staff headed back into the OL for a final checkout. Everyone went around and said a final appreciation, that each took a couple of minutes, raning from 3-5 minutes, so in the end it took an hour to get through everyone. I teared up and nearly cried during these appreciations. As well as when everyone got up and got their paychecks/went around hugging everyone. It was super sad, it broke my heart.

And then all the TAs and Volunteers got a specially decorated envelope by one of our bosses. Inside contained cards from the Interns and Lead teacher of our teaching teams, and a $50 Visa giftcard. As I was reading the cards in the car, I really started crying. I'm going to miss AHU so much. It's like a second home and family to me. But, hopefully, until next year.
(Also, awesome because we Volunteers, even though we're not supposed to get paid, we did, technically. $2 a day, $10 a week. Haha.)