Make sure you aren't eating while you read this post. Or if you are eating, finish it and wait a couple minutes to read this post.
7/28/10, during Advising, I got anko Taiyaki, for the first time! To be honest, it wasn't that delicious. Probably for one thing, because it was cold and another because the batter was way thicked than the filling. But still, it was good. And pretty awesome for a first time trying it. I know where he got it from, so I'll get another one when I go there, but probably like...chocolate flavored.

So, in the 7th graders were working on their 5 senses for this summer. This week was the Brain. And yesterday, they dissected a sheep's brain. First period, it went okay for me. Mainly because I was manning the computer, for the power point. But then second period, I left my station and actually went around and "helped" out the kids. So second period, I got a little...nauseated. Because I got close to it, and also because it had been two periods and there were 10 brains in the room. So, yeah. I also get nauseated now, when I look at the picture...

Here's the very not awesome part of 7/28 and 7/29.
If you are sensitive to uncensored cussing, stop reading now.
I hate this girl I work with, B. I didn't before, only my friend (who left for camp), M, did. But now that she's gone, I realize, I really hate B. So on the day of the dinner, I was unfortunately stuck with sitting at the same table with her. During the entire time, she kept fucking acting like she was my mom, and my mom doesn't even act like that. She was yelling at me, telling me to behave and saying how I was taking up all the room. And I'm like fuck you, bitch. (well, in my head at least).
Then something that pissed me off to extreme. So the table ordered a dish of mussels, which I don't like. I mean, I haven't tried it, but ew. Generally, I don't like seafood anyways. And so, J offered me one, and I'm like "Uh...no." And that fucking bitch ass picked out a piece with her fork and fucking tried to spoon feed me, like I was some kind fucking baby. And I'm keeping my mouth shut and turning away and she kept fucking following me with the fork and I'm thinking "Bitch ass get that fuckin' spoon away from my face or you'll soon find it up your fucking ass." Okay, so I didn't really think that at the time, just the first part, but reliving it, I'm getting angry.
And then 7/29, she pissed me off so bad afterschool. So my friend, J came to visit our school for the day, her sister also goes to the program (and J graduated with me). And so afterschool, I was hugging J because I missed her. And then all of a sudden, stupid fucking B just threw her fucking arms around us in a "group hug" and I was thinking, "Get your fucking hands off of me bitch." Like seriously, what the fuck. And she stayed like that for a couple minutes and the whole thing I'm cursing in my head like, "Get off me you fucking bitch. I want to hug J not your ass."
Then after she finally let go, J's phone rang and it was Je, another friend who graduated with us. So J answered and I went around to the other side and tried to "listen" to their conversation, though all I heard was static. And that fucking bitch copied me and stood in front of J and tried to listen. And I'm thinking what the fuck bitch. Why are you fucking copying me? I mean, for me, it's "alright" because I know the two pretty well. Like J is one of my closest friends and I go to school with Je. And B like, barely knows them, and she's fucking copying me?
And then J and I were sitting on the same chair, right next to each other and I was hugging her, because I seriously miss her. And then B comes fucking along and sits right on J. And I'm thinking what the fucking hell bitch, why the hell are you sitting on her? (I did that earlier that day in class, but that's different, cause me and J are tight, and I've talked to J about B, and J barely likes B too). And then she was like, "Oh, I thought you were sitting on (me) the whole time", while standing up and then she fucking sits back down on her. I'm like, fuck you bitch ass. And I whisper to J, "This is why we (me and M) hate her." And J nods.
I'm upset also because today was the last day of Board Games Plus (because the program ends tomorrow), and I didn't get to play Apples to Apples with my favorite 7th graders. I had to run around and work in the office during that time, which I don't mind doing, but just not during my Apples to Apples time. Sad.
Well, I want to end this on a happy note. First, A talked to me today, alot! And I'm super happy! (Maybe one day, I'll make a post explaining more about it, but for now, that's it.) But I don't have a picture of that, haha, so I'll end with this. I played Jenga with the kids during Advising, and I totally suck at it.

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