Today (still part of 7/17/10), we walk through Kinokuniya as well as Moritaya in seach of cute San-X character, Rilakkuma (Relax Bear) and friends.
Some people don't know that there are three Kinokuniya "stores" at my Japantown. But, yes, there is. There's the main, and biggest one, that's the bookstore. And on the same floor, across the hall is the Stationary section where you can find all your paper stuff, pencils and notebooks. And there's a new Kinokuniya store built a floor below, dedicated to all things cute (San-X characters). I didn't go to the Stationary across from the bookstore, merely because I forgot this time, but I totally should and would have.
First up, we have some adorable Rilakkuma hand towels for $1.95 plus tax. For me, that's pretty cheap, but how would I explain coming home with a hand towel to my mum. I couldn't explain it, and it wouldn't make sense, so I didn't buy it, obviously.

Then, we have Rilakkuma notebooks of all shapes and pictures. Each one is super adorable, I wish I could've boughten all of them, but that's pretty impossible. The small ones were $1.95 plus tax and I forget how much the bigger ones were exactly, like $5 something. Each notebook has pages consisting of two different Rilakkuma images. Personally, I wish every page had different images, as I love Rilakkuma, but unfortunately, that was not so. Guess which one I bought?

Now, if the last two pictures didn't make you squeal, this has to make you squeal over and die, I know it did just that to me. "I have pockets in my back ~Try to make me walk with your FINGERS!" Oh my gawd, how ADORABLE is THAT?! Like, I'm not even kidding. I have never met anything as cute as this in my life. And, yes, I did try to make him walk with my fingers. It was a little bit difficult as the top part of his body kept falling over, and also because my fingers aren't very coordinated.

This was actually found in the Kinokuniya Bookstore, not the Stationary, but it's part of a Rilakkuma theme. There were two boxes of Rilakkuma on the shelf for about $7. Inside the box is some kind of figurine on a stand that shakes. I have no idea what it's real purpose is, besides being cute, but I wanted it. Personally, I think the animated and drawn version of Rilakkuma looks cuter than the real version, but this was okay. I went into Kinokuniya after eating the Curry Soba, so I found this and thought (out loud) "I'll get it when we come back after Karaoke." and I ended up not getting it because I was low on cash.

That's it for Kinokuniya, so now we move on for more Rilakkuma cuteness in Moritaya, another cute filled shop.
Here's some cute Rilakkuma plushies for sale in Moritaya, for how much, I forget. I love Rilakkuma, but I honestly have to say, that the plushie with him wearing a hat is totally not cute, mainly because the way his right (left for him) leg is twisted in a weird position. I suppose that he's "running", but I can't say so for sure. Then we have Rilakkuma and his friend, Korilakkuma , relaxing and sleeping with a leaf resting on their face.

And we have a basket full of Rilakkuma plushies, not yet put on shelves. They look super cramped inside that basket, poor Rilakkumas (and Korilakkumas). I would buy all of them and proudly take care of them as their owner, if I could.

Then we come back to Nijiya where the deliciously cute Rilakkuma Chocolate Lollipop exists. And I'm faced with a difficult decision, which lollipop to get. Personally, as I looked at them the Korilakkuma lollipop looked cuter. But I really want Rilakkuma. And then I looked through the shelf to see if there was any other character, like Kiiroitori (the bird) , but there wasn't. And I found out that was the last Korilakkuma lollipop. So what was my decision?

I choose the Korilakkuma lollipop!

That's it for today, come back tomorrow to see more cute Moritaya pics.
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