Today (still part of the 7/17/10 day) we walk through the Kinokuniya Bookstore, mainly focusing on the T-shirts I found there.
So this is a purple tee with an "attached" tie and pocket. Damn, I totally should've boughten this shirt. Because it would've been perfect for Nerd Day (Tuesday) and/or Purple Day(Thursday) at the summer school I teach for Spirit Week. But it was way too expensive for my budget, it was about $15 [I think] and I only brought $20 that day, plus I already spent $6 on the Karaoke.

Then we have a "Soy Shy" tee. Under the cute tofu in a kimono says, well the same thing "Tofu Shy Square Kimono". This was pretty cute, but not that much.

Here's a cute one that says "Mi So Happy". Haha, I hope you all get it. If not, just know that the bowl is "Miso Soup". So yeah.

We have a cute robot, alien like thing that's crying a single tear while screaming "noooooo!" (That's 6 "o's" mind you). It's adorable and I would totally want that. It would be very useful. =)

Then we have a tee that wasn't actually found in Kinokuniya, but it's just as cute and fits in with the theme. It's a TokiDoki shirt. With two cute boy and girl monkeys on a date, eating hot dogs while sitting on a hot dog bench. Super cute.

And of course, I saved the best tee for last. "It's NOT a Taco. It's a Tako!" Super duper kawaii. With a picture of a Takoyaki stand, "Mr. Tako's Yaki". And we have some Takos manning the Takoyaki stand. Super adorable. And four Takoyakis (Octopus Balls) on top of the stand. I can't remember what the text in the speech buble said, so sorry. I totally want this shirt so bad.

So now we move onto some books that I saw on display outside of the Kinokuniya Bookstore. A book called "Yum-Yum Bento Box" (Ogawa Maki). I was attracted to this book because of the cute designs of the bento boxes. I really want to make a cute bento box, but I neither have the skills in cooking or making intricate designs like that. Maybe someday. Next to the book is one that's titled "i Heart macarons" (Ogita Hisako). Has any noticed that macarons look like pretty patties? Or is it the other way around?

Here's another Bento book, but I don't know the exact title. But this book was the one I actually spotted first, instead of the one I previously showed you. But the reason was probably just because this was higher on the display shelf.

And the last book is a papercrafts book called Paper Wonderland. I really want this book. You probably don't know, but I do print out and make some papercrafts (badly, mind you that). Perhaps one day I'll show some of the ones I've done, but that's another day.

Here's two charm pieces that I was considering buying. The one on the left is a "big food" charm and the one on the right is "Strawberry Love Mascot". They were $3.35 and I was considering buying it, but decided against it at last minute.

That's it for today! Come back tomorrow to take a walk with Rilakkuma.
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