Yesterday, I went to W Mall to see Despicable Me with my friends, V and B.
I really needed (and appreciated) yesterday, because of the day before, I just needed to be around people that I love, watch a funny movie and get my mind off of it. The day started out pretty badly though, mainly because of the the day before. So I got there way late, because I took too long getting changed (I admit that was my fault). But my friend called me at 11 and said the movie was starting at 11:30, so I was like "I can make it". But then it took me 10 minutes to get my dad out of the house. And then we kept hitting every red light, and getting stuck behind slow cars. And the bad luck doesn't end there, we hit two dead ends. One in GGP which is a shortcut and the other one when we were only like 6 blocks away from the mall. So that sucked because we missed the first showing of the regular one.

So then we were trying to make a decision whether or not to see the next regular showing at 1 something, or the 3D version at 2 something or the soonest showing at 12:20 (XD 3D). We watched the XD 3D one, because B said she didn't want to wait that long to watch the movie.(XD is supposedly, a larger screen (wall to floor), a higher quality resolution, better sound quality and more comfortable seats [but I think that depends on the theatre])

Since we still had about half an hour, we went to the arcade right next to the theatre and hung out there for a bit. The first machine I went to was the Claw Machine and I saw that Cheese plushie that I really really wanted (I really needed something to new to hug after yesterday). So I went to exchange my dollar for 4 tokens, because I didn't have 50 cents. So I played it once, and it failed, miserably. It was only then that I realized Cheese would be impossible to get because he was right on the glass. (Only then!!!)

There was an Air Hockey table, and me and V thought it was 5 tokens, since there seemed to be 5 slots. So first, we went back to get our tickets and exchange some money for coins. And when we came back, we got 3 more tokens. It was then that we found out (or I did) that it was only 3 tokens, the two on the side were tricks!

So V and B played a game (V won, I think 7-2), while I watched. I believe the game ends when someone gets to 7. The game took a little while, and by the time they were finished, it was nearly time for the movie to start. We decided to watch the movie first, and then we would come back out and I would play against V.

The movie was AH-MAY-ZING! The last time I went to see a 3D movie, Alice in Wonderland, it turned out feeling really long and tiring. But this time, it went by so fast. I couldn't believe it was 2 hours when it was over, it felt like we had just walked in there. (It could have something to do with the fact that I had to use the bathroom badly last time, or the company that was with me.)
Anyways, the movie really was Amazing. I laughed, I smiled, I cried. Well, it wasn't really a "sad" movie, but I think I was still a bit emotional from yesterday. So I cried during a couple "sad" scenes (I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't watched it yet).

After the movie, and after playing against V in Air Hockey (she won again, 7-4), we went into the Vans store because I needed to get a gift card for my secret friend, A, at work.

Then, I dragged them into this store, Maido (also known as Kinokuniya [i think] in some places), which I honestly didn't know was a Japanese store when I walked in. I only wanted to go in because I saw the front was cute, I didn't even look at the name of the place before walking in. (I'll have pictures for this in another post).

I took too long in there, so V and B were getting hungry. So they decided to go down to the food court and I would meet up with them when I was finished. (Sorry you two! Haha, V said "I should've known you'd take so long if we walked into this store.") Believe it or not, those two cups aren't coffee; they are cola. That place was so weird, giving out soda in what looks like coffee cups.

For lunch, I got Jody's Smokin' Dog, or so it said, for $3.19. And I also stole a couple fries from V and B's lunch. V introduced me to something interesting today, fries dipped in ketchup and mayonaise. I know that sounds gross, I thought so too, but it was actually pretty good. Towards the end of lunch was when I figured out why it tasted familiar, because when my family used to run out of Thousand Island dressing, we would just mix ketchup and mayonaise as sauce for salad until we bought a new bottle.

After eating lunch, we wound up going to Sephora, which I will have pictures of in another post. And then we left B (because she was getting picked up) and V and I hopped on the bus and went home. During the bus ride, we had a really meaningful talk about life. Well, it didn't start out that way. It started with talking about today and the movie while we were waiting in the station. And then it turned into school when we were standing up on the train. And by the time we got seats, we were talking about college and the future. And then a little while after that, we just started talking about life and how people change. It was really deep and I loved it. Thanks V!
(I realize I like using the word "so" a lot. It's annoying, for me at least. I'll try to come up with better transition words.)
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