Today we finish up in Moritaya and exit to the grand finale, Daiso.
So first, I'd like to share a little secret with you all, it's called "No photo"s allowed. Haha, yes, Moritaya doesn't allow photos to be taken within the store, so half of the pictures from the last post and half of the pictures from this post are illegal beings. Which makes me love them even more. I think I'd be pretty good at taking secret pictures if ever I went to Japan(which hopefully is so). I just wouldn't be able to take very good pictures with my professional camera(assuming that I'd have one by the time I went to Japan) and with my cell phone instead.

Then we have a super cool Ninja charm. Very cute. I see a pair, black and red. And some Japanese words on a wooden board above his little head, that of which, again, I have no idea what it says. And an even adorabler monkey charm exists next to the ninja.

The last charm from Moritaya, before we move on to cool stuff, is a cake head. Not a very good picture as it's blurry and the charm is inside a packaging. But it's cute. It's a strawberry shortcake, man, now I'm hungry for some cake, how about you?

Here's super cool number one (taken super badly as well). A Japanese style cellular phone. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to see it, and I wouldn't be able to know, and I only do because I took it, but it's different because of the key pad. The keypad uses "a-dan"[...I think...]. 1 is "a", 2 is "ka", 3 is "sa", 4 is "ta", 5 is "na", 6 is "ha", 7 is "ma", 8 is "ya" and 9 is "ra". And then 0 is "wa"(?), "wo" and "n". I totally want a Japanese style cell phone.

Cool number two is a Geisha solar powered alarm clock. So, it's a beautiful geisha (the green one more than the red) whose head bobs around when it's turned on(or when the solar power hits the panel). I really want a solar powered alarm clock, and a geisha one is pretty cute, better than just a flower(maybe).

The best for last, and you know it, a three-in-one utensil. You've got your chopsticks on one side. And if you flip the two sticks around, you've got a spoon and a fork. How AWESOME is that?! Of course, it's super cool. And useful too. Why can't Americans manufacture something as cute and cool as this?

Now we arrive at our final destination for this Japantown trip, Daiso. First up is a Yakitori cell phone charm. It's cool, but honestly, not very appealing. Unless you love meat, I guess, which I don't that much. At least, not beef, I'm a pretty big fan of chicken though. What about you, a beef, pork, chicken or vegetable fan?

Then we have a small, somewhat cute, Mitarashi Dango charm. This is pretty cool, and realistic. I've had Mitarashi Dangos once, and honestly, it wasn't that great. The soysauce they used was sweet, obviously, but it wasn't that appealing to my tastebud. And it was extremely sticky and chewy as well. But I guess it was pretty good, just not good as Wanya(from D3!) makes it look.

We'll end this walking trip with something amazing, but not from Daiso and not a charm either. It's not cute. But it is awesome, onigiri from Nijjiya. Yum yum. I believe it was Kombu flavored, but I forget (I just know it was seaweed like). Actually, this isn't mine, it was A's. But yeah.

So hope you enjoyed this walk in Japantown. Come back tomorrow for our next trip.
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